About Lotte
From an early age, sports have always been my greatest passion. I grew up in a sporty and ambitious family where everyone strived to bring out the best in themselves. As a true sportswoman, I have a background as a top tennis player. My entire life revolved around intense training, and I could be found on the tennis court day in and day out. At the age of 20, I achieved the 14th position in the national tennis rankings, earning me a spot in the Dutch Championships. However, due to a severe tendonitis issue that had been troubling me for a while, I had to withdraw from the tournament. Unfortunately, the injury became chronic, and the pain could hardly be alleviated. Later that same year, I had no choice but to prematurely end my tennis career, which was a massive mental blow for me.

From that point on, I embarked on a long search for something that could give me the same thrill I experienced during tennis matches. In 2021, I finally found what I was looking for: running! In a short period, running has become a great love of mine. From the very first day I started my "running journey," I began sharing everything on my Instagram account, taking everyone along on this path. Soon, I noticed that not only did it ignite something within myself, but also among my followers. Through my reach on social media, I have the opportunity to inspire and motivate a large number of people, something that has been a tremendous source of energy for me then - and still is! That's why I decided to create a personal e-book on this website. My hope is that those who read it will feel motivated to start running too, whether it's for their health, relaxation, participating in their first running race, or simply for fun - it doesn't matter. I have experienced that running not only gives me a tremendous boost of positive energy but also makes me mentally stronger, and I want everyone to experience that as well. So, that includes you too!